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We praise God for the faithfulness of both old and new believers! The Icy Baptism video is an actual baptism of New Believers from the Yamal area of northern Siberia. This region remains under harsh conditions and can be described as rural and bleak . This group asked Russian Missions director, Rev. Alexander Yuchkovski (aka Pastor Sasha) to baptize them in strict accordance with the Bible's guidelines of full immersion.
However, the temperature for weeks had been well below the freezing point, which is not an unusual occurrence in this region. Pastor Sasha and Pastor Anatoly Marichev (Russian Missions missionary) surrendered to the new believer's wishes and baptized each individual in a local frozen lake. Although, in order to even enter the water, both Pastors had to chop into over six-inches of ice using quickly found sharp edged farming blades.
This video was not staged and only accidentally captured by a friend of one of the New Believers.