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About Russian Missions

The Russian Federation is the largest nation in the world, with more than 76% of the area of the former USSR . The United States can fit into the Russian Federation 's vastness three times. To go by train from Moscow to Vladivostok in the Far East requires two weeks. Russia is the largest nation in the Commonwealth of Independent States. The other nations include Armenia , Azerbaijan , Belarus , Georgia , Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan , Moldova , Tajikistan , Turkmenistan , Ukraine , and Uzbekistan . Russia is a country that spans eleven time zones and two continents, ending less than 50 miles from North America.

From the glittering imperial domes of St. Petersburg to the timeless village life of Siberia , the nation has every type of climate except for the distinctly tropical. Within its enormity lies the largest freshwater lake in the world, rivers and forests teeming with fish and wildlife, awe inspiring volcanoes and towering mountains.

The last century has brought much to the Russian people: Revolution, world war, oppression, labor camps and Communist ideology. Perhaps the worst thing they have endured for more than 70 years was enforced scientific atheism. This caused the people to suffer from immorality, high crime rates, alcoholism and corruption. The spirit of the people has been horribly damaged. They now turning to alcohol, drugs and occultism to fill their spiritual emptiness.

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union in December 1991, scores of US based and international Christian mission agencies have sent thousands of short-term volunteers to Russia . The underlying rationale for these and other efforts has been multifaceted: to meet spiritual and physical needs of the people, to develop and strengthen local churches, and to promote peace and understanding.

However, long-term results have been meager due to language and cultural differences. Subsequent growth is coming from a new generation of indigenous evangelical movements - such as Russian Missions. Russian Missions' philosophy is to use Russian people in the ministry. Christians from America mentor, equip and give financial support while local Russian missionaries evangelize their own people.




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