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Support Us > Sponsor a Child

"Pure and lasting religion in the sight of God our Father means that we must care for orphans and widows and refuse to let the world corrupt us." James 1:27

It's tough being a child in Russia…the reality of life is grim and tragic.

There are an estimated 2 million orphans and street children in this country. They have been robbed of what should be the most promising and exciting years of their lives. Many of the children live on the streets; some are orphaned, while a number of them were simply abandoned by their parents.

Lastly, there are children who live in homes marked by poverty, and by alcohol, and drug abuse. A young boy or girl ends up in a state-run orphanage because his or her parents have died or are too poverty-stricken to take care of them. Still others are in orphanages because they have been taken away from parents who routinely abuse or neglect them.

Once there, the meager provisions, inadequate clothing, and inadequate staffing take their toll on children who should normally be vibrant and happy. Many develop deep psychological scars and withdraw into themselves. When they turn 16, they leave the orphanage unprepared to face an uncertain world, which frequently sends an already shattered life into an endless, downward spiral. A few of the fortunate ones will get adopted, but what about those left behind? Who will send them love and hope? Who will care for them?

Russian Missions feels it is our duty to respond to their cries and to respond with compassion and nurturing that each child so deserves. It is that compassion that will teach them hope. It is the fulfillment of hope that will teach them faith. What would you do for your own children?

Sponsor a Child ($30 a month)
Child sponsorship provides a channel for you to assist with the welfare of a needy child/orphan.

Your gift will help to provide a child with good food, essential clothing, school essentials and, most importantly, the feeling that someone cares.

A dollar a day is all that we ask, please remember these children.




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